Let Us Approach


My beloved companion, John, and I planted a small bamboo on the edge of the yard where BLM land rises ridge after ridge for fifty acres. Deer come down for water and to graze. The more grazing, the less need for mowing. This bamboo was the first ever to sink roots into this ground. One morning John looked out the window to see a young doe stop beside the new and quite foreign tree. She looked upon it. Confused? Perhaps remembering another life? Is that even possible? And then, as if struck by sudden realization, she knelt and bent her head as though she had encountered something divine.

Let us approach Nature early, still wet with night,

Let us approach like yearlings in the grass, rain cool against the tongue

Let us approach prancing, quieting, kneeling before the sacred bamboo, bowing our heads.

Let us approach surrendering the lesser desires of pride and power

Let us take our place among the trees and sing the song of leaves

Let us allow deeper truth to rise within our hearts and bring forth mercy on the earth


Blessing and Love,

Christin Lore


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